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Congratulations to our new incoming PTA! The 2024-25 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) Board, Co-Chairs, and Committee Chairs are excited to connect with YOU and work together to support Minnie Gant in this new school year. We are thankful for the work and dedication of the 2023-2024 Board, Co-Chairs, and Committee Chairs and the continued mentoring extended for this new year. We will continue to work together to maintain a strong PTA and Gant community. 

MEET YOUR 2024-2025 PTA

Board Members

Tracy Hall, Principal, 

Sabina Banuelos , President, 

Kathleen Davis, Executive Vice President, 

Melissa L. Acosta, Treasurer, 

Nicole Mewes, Auditor, 

Annie Abel, Financial Secretary, 

Marlo Ines, Parliamentarian, 

Martha Jimenez, Programming, 

Carmen Lines, Ways and Means, 

Adrienne Gomer, Room Parent Coordinator, 

Kylene Cobarrubia, DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), 

Pamela Mazzocco, Corresponding Secretary, 

Palmyra Rau, Recording Secretary, 

Carmen DeVore, Historian, 

Daniel Banuelos Webmaster, 

Jill Parker,

Committee Chairs

Becky Cote, 5th Grade Committee Chair, 

Allison Lo, Spirit Wear Committee Chair, 

Board Co-Chairs and Committee Co-Chairs

President, Co-Chair: Natalie Salleh

Programs, Co-Chair: Melissa Underwood

Membership Co-Chair: Rosell Hopkin

Ways & Means, Co-Chair: Lauren Limbaugh

Room Parent Coordinator, Co-Chair: Christina Gentilini

DEI, Co-Chair: Charlotte Altieri

Spirit Wear, Co-Chair: Marina Porper



Because of our wonderful Minnie Gant community, PTA financially enables our school in the following way:

  • $50,000 toward educational programming  including Ground Education, Recreation Aides, and 5th Grade Promotion

  • $15,000 toward classroom support including teacher supplies, Social Studies Weekly, and California Weekly Explorer Program

  • Monthly school engagement programs including Welcome Back Gathering, Trunk or Treat, Talent Show, Spring Carnival, Pi Night, and many more 

  • Hosting fundraiser events such as APEX, Party for a Purpose, Family Night Out and Gator Games to support all of our yearly efforts and build community partnerships 


Join us in continuing to be a part of our Minnie Gant community dedicated to enhancing educational experience for all of our students.

Parents, guardians, teachers, staff, alumni, family and friends are all able to join and be a part of making our school a wonderful place to be. 

Membership dues are $10 per member for the 2024-2025 academic year. "HIT A HOME RUN WITH THE PTA" and JOIN TODAY!


Volunteering is also another great way to get involved in PTA, in addition to membership. It is not required, but highly encouraged to help our programs be a success throughout the year. Our PTA dedicates considerable time to planning and coordinating programs throughout the year, but volunteers are what make programs a success and encourage families to continue being engaged. More information to come on how you volunteer throughout the year in various roles.


Keep an eye out for our Weekly Email Blast that will be distributed by Room Parents as soon as those are designated (after Back-to-School Night in September).

This is the main form of communication for PTA related information including upcoming programs, fundraisers, volunteer opportunities, and more.



Interested in showing your Minnie Gant pride? Click here beginning for Spirit Wear .


When and Why

PTA Association meetings take place on the 1ST MONDAY OF THE MONTH.

PTA Association meetings are an opportunity to stay up-to-date with upcoming programs, provide feedback, and propose new topics for discussion. Please note that in order to vote and take the floor for comments, you must be an active PTA member for 30 days.

FREE childcare is provided at our Association Meetings. Childcare is open to currently enrolled Minnie Gant Elementary students. At this time we are not able to support childcare for non-enrolled children. Childcare will take place in the cafeteria under the supervision of our Recreation Director, Jeannette Demers, and Recreation Aid, Brittany Demers. 


Coming Soon!  


Nomination and Election

Anticipated Timeline:

  • January: Nominations open for the new 2025-2026 PTA Board

  • February : Nominees are anticipated to be vetted and a report of the names will be shared with PTA Association

  • March :  Election takes place. 

  • May : Board-elect for 2025-2026 will begin to be on-boarded by outgoing 2024-2025 board. 

  • July : New board will take effect.

Time Commitment

All members of the PTA Board (described below) are needed at two meetings per month. Currently, those meetings take place on the 2nd (Board Meetings)  and 4th (Association Meetings) Monday of the month, starting at 6:30pm. 

If two meetings per month is not doable for you, the PTA is also in need of Chairs who take on responsibility for a singular role, assemblies, programs or fundraisers throughout the year. A list of these events can be provided at the end of the school year if you would be interested in becoming involved in that way.

  • Minimal time commitment = 1-3 hours per week in addition to attending two meetings per month

  • Moderate time commitment = 3-6 hours per week in addition to attending two meetings per month

  • Major time commitment = Hours vary per month. Some months are a minimal time commitment, while others (event months/weeks) are upwards of 50-80 per month. Could potentially delegate roles to Sub-Committee Chairs or Co-Chair the Board Position.


Auditor:  Audits the PTA financial data generated by the Treasurer and Financial Secretary every three months. (Moderate time commitment.)

Financial Secretary: Counts incoming money and makes weekly deposits. Completes data entry regarding any incoming funds on a weekly basis. Also makes deposits after any big financial event. (Moderate time commitment.)

Corresponding Secretary: Creates and solicits articles for the website. Sends follow-up correspondence (“Thanks”) to sponsors and people/businesses who have made other donations. (Minimal time commitment.) 

Historian: Collects photos and other data for use during PTA related events. Makes sure after each school event, there is an image and brief description that is entered into a log. (Minimal time commitment.)   

Membership: Runs new membership drives at the start of the year. (Major time commitment for the first two months of school to run the Membership drive, then minimal time commitment thereafter.)

Parliamentarian: Is in charge of making sure that the PTA is following PTA rules and procedures during meetings. (Minimal time commitment.)

Programming: Is responsible for all PTA Programs, 20-30 per year. These include, but are not limited to, Spring Carnival, Welcome Gathering, Trunk or Treat, Red Ribbon Week, Teacher Appreciation Week, Spelling Bee, Talent Show, Reflections, etc. Think: community building, not fundraising. Could efficiently maximize this position with sub-chair delegations. (Major time commitment.)

President: This position is best served by someone who has previously been a PTA Board Member.

Recording Secretary: Take minutes at meetings and distribute them within the week, then make revisions to minutes, as necessary, per board member feedback. Responsible for getting minutes bound at the end of the school year. (Minimal time commitment.)

Room Parent Coordinator: Collects information coming in from PTA chairs and drafts a single email distributed to room parents every week (Minimal time commitment.)

Treasurer: Develops annual budget.  Manages, reconciles, and adjust budget on a monthly basis. Processes reimbursements via PTA checks on a weekly basis. Creates financial reports for all meetings. Files and processes fees for required federal, state, and local documentation to maintain PTA status, including, but not limited to,  taxes and 501 (c ) (3) status. Supports the auditor in the annual audit report. Works closely with the President.  (Moderate/Major time commitment.)

Vice President: This position is best served by someone who has previously been a PTA Board Member

Ways and Means: Runs all PTA fundraising events, 6-10 per year. These may include, but are not limited to, Charleston Wrap, Fun Run, Family Nights Out, Gator Games, and Party For A Purpose & Silent Auction. Could efficiently maximize this position with sub-chair delegations. (Major time commitment.)

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI): Empower students, parents, teachers, and staff to create a centralized and comprehensive school-wide approach to diversity, equity, and inclusion within PTA’s work, actions, and decisions. Promote an enriching and supporting climate with a racial, gender, and social equity lens. 

Unofficial Positions:

  • Spirit Wear Chair: Runs Spirit Wear sales throughout the academic year. Is responsible for managing online Spirit Wear shop, coordinating in-person sales at various events, managing inventory, distributing orders to families, processing Spirit Wear invoices and initiating cash deposits of Spirit Wear sales. 

  • 5th Grade Committee Chair: Coordinated fundraisers throughout the academic year to support 5th Grade Promotion activities and spearheads 5th Grade Promotion activities. 5th Grade Promotion activities may include, but are not limited to, yearbook, class gifts, promotion recognition attire, play day, camp, and end of year promotion.

  • Social Media: Develops social media content for Instagram and Facebook. This may include, but not limited to, event flyers, post-event recaps, membership drive information, association meetings, Spirit Wear sales, fundraising events, DEI awareness

  • Webmaster: Responsible for transferring ownership, deactivating access, creating new access of board member emails from outgoing to incoming board to allow for continued communication within board members and school community and access to Google Drive for file sharing and historical record.  


Family Resources 

California State Parliamentary Procedure - rules for conducting our PTA