Principal's Message
Mrs. Hall
Dear Gant Gator Families,
It is an honor and a privilege to be a part of this amazing learning community. I know that together, we can make this an amazing year of learning, laughter, and engagement.
As an educator I have spent my career striving to make a difference for students in many different capacities. I taught 10 years as a 4th and 5th grade teacher at International Elementary School (now Oropeza) in Long Beach, then taught 19 at Carver Elementary as a 4th grade teacher and an Intervention Specialist. I moved into administration in 2018 at Dooley Elementary where I worked for 3 years, and now I am starting my 3rd year here at Gant. Throughout my different assignments, I have worked to create opportunities to build relationships with all stakeholders, design learning experiences that are equity centered and inclusive of all students, and foster an environment that cultivates joy and a love of learning.
This year will be a little different than others, with our "Home Team" consisting of TK-2 and our SPED classes on the Gant site while it is renovated and our "Away Team" of 3-5th grade on the Emerson campus, but together we are still one TEAM! With the support of our amazing staff and hard working PTA, we will make our year memorable.
Gant Gators are strong, exceptional, scholars who deserve the best, and I look forward to an awesome year.
Mrs. Hall